Home Military products XILLAR battery charging system

XILLAR battery charging system

It is intended for the management of small and large parks of batteries in various applications (automotive, aviation, traction) and batteries made using various technologies. The Xillar system is used, most of all, in charging rooms, hangars, workshops and ports


Functional features

  • Graphical user interface on the PC screen via a Web browser
  • Visualization of all charging and discharging processes and display of information messages
  • Possibility of selecting, sorting and filtering information presented on the screen
  • Remote access to the system via the Internet (password protected)
  • Monitoring work on any number of HMI stations (website)
  • Possibility of controlling the system from any station (limited privileges)
  • Notification of alarm conditions
  • Registration of all processes in real time
  • Archiving the history of processes in a database on two Compact Flash drives, 16GB each
  • Viewing archives and direct printing of selected data
  • Database contains the full history of each battery operation
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