About us

About us

From the very beginning we have been designing and manufacturing electronics and power electronics for the heavy and light industries, the maritime sector, the power engineering sector, the military, aviation, railways and the shipbuilding and food sectors. We have developed many innovative solutions for guaranteed power supply, energy conversion, charging, supervision and management of batteries and for the improvement of power quality.


We offer a wide range of equipment used for improving electric power quality, both for specific receivers, and for whole sections of the power network. Our core value is innovativeness. We focus on diagnosing the problem and proposing a suitable technical solution. We use internationally unique technology and equipment that we ourselves have developed.


We also continually work on existing products, introducing new solutions and optimising operating algorithms. A long list of credentials and recommendations shows our commitment and reliability. We have vast knowledge and experience in implementing innovative guaranteed power supply systems and power quality improvement.


We develop solutions that have a significant impact on sustainable development and environmental protection. Electric power quality improvement, energy storage, photovoltaics and cogeneration are all modern technologies that we implement in order to reduce carbon footprint and fossil fuels consumption.

30 years in existence
30 years in existence
Polish production
Polish production
Innovative project
Innovative project

Concept development and delivery of the first energy storage facility with photovoltaics


Delivery of the first car charger


Partnership with Elhand


Development of a new rectifier for military applications


Partnership with Elektra


Partnership with ASTAT


Joining the ASE Technological Group


Expansion of new headquarters in Pruszcz Gdański


Gold medal at the Poznań International Fair for the Xinus active filter


Development of the XINUS D3 active filter


Development of the XILLAR battery charging system


Implementation of the ISO 9001 quality system


Development of the Evolution guaranteed power supply system


New headquarters in Pruszcz Gdański, ul. Podmiejska 5c


First fair





30 years mean something. Our many years of experience translate into the quantity and quality of installations carried out by our company. We are the leading expert in designing and manufacturing electronics and power electronics. Would you like to know who we work with?

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