

For a seamless operation of the installed equipment it is fundamental to guarantee solid maintenance – we offer warranty and post-warranty care for the installed devices. Nobody knows those products better than our servicemen, which guarantees you top quality maintenance services.


We also encourage you to register the purchased and installed equipment which will allow us to quickly identify a device and its technical parameters selected for your needs in case of an inspection or a failure report.

Warranty and post-warranty inspections

If you want to check the condition of your operating equipment, look into our offer for warranty inspections carried out under a warranty agreement, as well as post-warranty inspections.

Warranty repairs

We offer warranty and post-warranty technical support to all the users of our equipment. We guarantee continued availability of all parts and top quality services.

Product registration

If you register your product we can quickly identify it together with its technical infrastructure. It allows us to offer you custom services, as well as technical consultancy.


Product registration

Quick response
Quick response
High availability of spare parts
High availability of spare parts
Replacement equipment
Replacement equipment

Contact with the maintenance department

Mirosław Gzella

660 422 291