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Energy efficiency audits

Our experts offer a wide range of auditing services aimed at SECURING ENERGY OPTIMISATIONS, as well as IMPROVING INDUSTRIAL SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT.


An audit process comprises multiple stages and allows us to learn all about the current state of the company within the analysed area, as well as possible corrective actions that would improve current parameters.

Stage 1
  • Analysis of the current state
  • Analysis of energy acquisition costs
  • Analysis of documentation
  • Analysis of the client’s needs
Stage 2
  • Data aggregation
  • Technical interview
  • Measurements
  • Verification of the installation operation
Stage 3
  • Preliminary financial analysis
  • Preliminary selection of solutions
  • Macro- and microeconomic conditions analysis
  • Sensitivity and risk analysis
  • Formal and legal aspects
Stage 4
  • Final report
  • Final financial analysis of the investment
  • Detailed technical data
  • Preliminary schedule of the investment

When carrying out an audit we analyse characteristic values dependant on the requirements and the specificity of a given test

Electric power
Heat and cooling energy
Compressed air
Diversification of energy sources
Environmental consultancy
Process safety
Explosion protection
Fire safety
Financial analysis of funding
Electric power
  • Analysis of energy consumption and acquisition costs
  • Analysis of existing energy generation and distribution installations
  • Analysis of power propagation, losses and quality parameters
  • Verification of reactive power compensation systems operation
  • Analysis of switchgears condition and potential failures spots
  • Selection of solutions reducing losses and energy acquisition costs
Heat and cooling energy

Analysis of energy consumption and acquisition costs

Analysis of existing energy generation and distribution installations

Analysis of heat penetrability of partitions

Analysis of internal installations energy consumption

Analysis of heat distribution networks internal insulation condition

Thermal imaging

Selection of solutions reducing losses and energy acquisition costs

Compressed air
  • Verification of installation integrity
  • Inspection of devices operating in the installation
  • Pressure measurements
  • Assessment of the transmission system and its capacity
  • Investigation of most common problems
  • Selection of solutions improving the installation effectiveness
Diversification of energy sources
  • Analysis of technical possibilities for power supply solutions, above all, using steam and gas sources, cogeneration and trigeneration of pyrolysis systems or photovoltaic panels
Environmental consultancy
  • Help in obtaining decisions, permits and administrative consents in terms of environmental protection
  • Environmental impact forecasts and reports
  • Integrated permits and environmental reports
  • Social and environmental consultations
  • Environmental audits and reviews
  • Post-completion analyses
  • Adjustment programmes
Process safety
  • Hazard and risk analysis (above all, PHA,HAZID, EHAZOP, LOPA, FTA,RBD, FMEA/FMECA methods)
  • SEVESO – major accidents prevention system
  • SIL – functional safety
Explosion protection
  • Analysis, assessment and classification of potentially explosive zones
  • Explosion Protection Document
  • Consultancy in terms of ATEX equipment certification
  • Machinery ignition risk assessment
  • Selection of explosion protection systems
  • Instructions for the use of equipment in Ex Zones
  • Instructions for static electricity protection
  • ATEX audit
Fire safety
  • Fire safety analysis
  • Development of fire scenarios
  • Specification of fire protection conditions
  • Coordination of fire safety
  • Development of fire safety instructions
Financial analysis of funding
  • Financial analysis of proposed modernisations based on the following indexes: NPV, IRR, SPBT, DGC
  • Macro- and microeconomic conditions analysis
  • Sensitivity and risk analysis
  • Analysis of forecast energy consumption and prices increase
  • Analysis of possible funding from environmental and operational programmes, EU funding, white certificates system

If you are interested in our services, get in touch with us.