Power quality

Contemporary power systems often deal with low power quality and energy efficiency for which the issue of higher harmonics and reactive power compensation is very important. Although the problem is not particularly new, it is continually growing, thus making it more and more important, and the consequences of low power quality and low energy efficiency are increasingly severe


What is electric power quality?

Electric power quality is a group of parameters contained in the PN-EN 50160 standard, characterising supply voltage, e.g. THDI, THDU higher harmonics; reactive power Q and tg(ϕ), UU current and voltage unbalance, voltage fluctuations and dips, current surges, etc., whose correct level is the requirement for correct and efficient operation of the powered electrical equipment.




The consequences of poor power quality include:
  • power losses in the company’s power network
  • voltage fluctuations and dips
  • increased wear of transformers, motors, capacitor banks, sensitive electronics, etc. and their more frequent failures
  • interruptions in the operation of sensitive receivers (automation, controllers, computers)
  • undesirable response of protection measures
  • overheating of cables causing a fire risk and increased power demand


Sources of poor power quality:

  • drives inverters
  • LED and discharge light sources
  • automatic welding machines and welders
  • induction and arc furnaces
  • thyristor systems (rectifiers, inverters, UPS devices)
  • other facilities supplied from the same network



For many years we have been specializing in electric power quality and energy efficiency. Based on the experience we gained during multiple installations of filters and compensators, we can guarantee the effectiveness of equipment that we offer.


Our solutions guarantee both technical benefits, and reduced power consumption.

Products for improving the quality of electricity.

XINUS active filters with over 150 KVA/kvar
SVG XIVAR active compensators
XINUS H hybrid filters
EF3H passive filters
Electric power quality measurements
Energy efficiency audits

Electric power quality must be measured in order to estimate the size of potential savings and select equipment that would guarantee such savings. If you are interested in such measurements, get in touch with us.


In the electric power quality measurements tab you can learn more about the measurements and their benefits.